Mon 27 Jan
$250Hr for 2 ExoTiC STrippers 587 401 3820 📒📒 VisiT Our WebsiTe CANADAUSASTAGS ANGELEYEZ.COM 📒📒 - 20
(Calgary, Downtown, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, St. Albert, 📒📒 WE HAVE PARTIES ALL OVER ALBERTA 📒📒)
$160.00 hour x💗x【★ MILF ★】x💗x【★ Plαymαte★】x💗x. All Natural 587-220-6110 - 39
(jayne. escorts. .biz, Lethbridge)
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(Lethbridge, Lethbridge Alberta)
Tue 07 Jan
💖Around all Week, A HOT, SEXY, BUSTY, Perfect Cuddle Buddy💖 - 30
(Lethbridge, Lethbridge cuddled up to you!)
Mon 06 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Calgary, Downtown, Edmonton, Ft McMurray, In town, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer)
$160.00 hour I am ready and available. I offer all kinds of thing's 587-220-6110 - 39
(Age is just a number, Lethbridge)
Fri 03 Jan